Life Lessons Charlie Mitchell Life Lessons Charlie Mitchell

The High Cost of Being Too Nice: From Acceptance to Intimacy

Being nice often gets you accepted. People find it easy to like you because you're agreeable, non-confrontational, and generally easy to get along with. But acceptance is not intimacy. Acceptance is shallow; it's built on the absence of friction, not the presence of genuine connection. Intimacy is messy. It comes with highs and lows, disagreements and reconciliations. It involves being seen, flaws and all, and being loved not in spite of them but because of them. When you trade your authentic self for a version that is easier for people to accept, you trade intimacy for mere acceptance.

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Discipleship, Culture Charlie Mitchell Discipleship, Culture Charlie Mitchell

Navigating dating and Love in Today's World

Explore the essence of true love in 'Cuffed to Quality: Navigating Love in Today's World.' Dive into the transformative journey from superficial online dating to meaningful relationships, guided by timeless Christian principles. Discover the four crucial qualities for godly relationships: character, trust, standards, and encouragement. This insightful article sheds light on building connections that transcend the fleeting trends of modern dating, offering a path to relationships rooted in faith, respect, and genuine love. Perfect for anyone seeking deeper, more meaningful connections in their romantic life.

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Emotions, Life Lessons Charlie Mitchell Emotions, Life Lessons Charlie Mitchell

7 Signs You Haven't Properly Grieved After the Loss of a Loved One

One of the most challenging lessons I've learned is that it's possible to grieve improperly, to move too swiftly through the stages, brushing aside the complexity of emotions because they're too heavy to bear. However, improperly handled grief can have long-term consequences. Today, as a "veteran of grieving," I want to share seven signs that you might not be grieving in the healthiest way possible.

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Charlie Mitchell Charlie Mitchell

Don’t Play Yourself: Remember Your Heavenly Helper in Times of Need

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). In the chaotic whirlwind that life often becomes, it's far too easy to lose sight of the presence and promise of divine help. In these moments of struggle, we must remind ourselves of our Heavenly Helper. As the late Tim Keller puts it, "God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knows." And in the modern vernacular, as DJ Khaled would say, "Bless up. Don't play yourself."

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Music, Formation Charlie Mitchell Music, Formation Charlie Mitchell

Not Your Grandma's Gospel

The aroma of Sunday mornings revolved around the classic gospel music echoing in Black households. This was a reflection of tradition, unity, and faith. Fast forward to today, the beats of spirituality have undeniably changed. They have transitioned to a rhythm that encapsulates the multifaceted experiences of the modern Black individual. This change is less about a departure from tradition and more about an evolution.

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Leadership Charlie Mitchell Leadership Charlie Mitchell

Misunderstood, Not Mistaken: Embracing the Path Less Traveled

After five long years of hard work, setbacks, and comebacks, I decided to close the church that my team and I had built from the ground up. Like most big decisions, this one didn't sit well with everyone. Most folks didn't understand why I would make such a move when things finally starting to look up. As I journey through life, I find myself treading the difficult path of being misunderstood.

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Theology, Worldview Charlie Mitchell Theology, Worldview Charlie Mitchell

God is People-Positive: A Biblical Perspective

"That guy is going to hell!" My son's sudden outburst caught me completely off-guard. We were sitting together, watching a rerun of Law & Order. A character on the show had just casually dismissed the existence of God, saying, "Well, there is no god, so who cares?" And just like that, my young son declared that the man was hell-bound. You might be wondering what led him to such a harsh judgment. The truth is, I'm still pondering that myself.

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