Disciple Making Tools

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    Learning to celebrate the goodness of God

    BOOM Is an acronym that stands for “Being Open to Outstanding Moments.” The habit of celebration can only be formed if we learn to be more aware of the presence and power of God in daily life.

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    • 3/18/23


    Regret is a horrible feeling that every human hates. The feeling of wishing you could go back and change something is inevitable but we can lower our grit in many cases when we build the habit of reflection. Reflection moves us from being reactionary to living an intentional life with fewer regrets.

  • Copy of MAROON HOUSE (17).png
    • 3/18/23

    Learning to Grieve as a mark of healthy discipleship to Jesus

    Much of what plagues us in life today is the result of what happened to us in our past. When the past goes unresolved for too long it has a way of disrupting our present in the railing our future potential. That is why we must take the time to grieve. One of Jesus‘s aims was to heal us or another way of seeing it the came so that we would be hopeful, engaged and activated for life (HEAL).

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    • 3/18/23

    Building a connection to God’s story through our daily lives

    Every person is living out their own story and the stories they believe are shaping the decisions they make on a daily basis. But there are points in everyone’s lives where the stories lead us into confusion and destruction and away from clarity and joy in life. That is why it is important to align our personal story or lived experiences with the story of God. (Hebrews 12; 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11)

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    • 3/18/23

    Building a connection to Jesus through the Bible

    One cannot aspire to become something without regularly focusing on that desired outcome. It is unrealistic to think you will become an NBA Hall-of-farmer yet never participate in a basketball game. It is the same with our life with Jesus. You cannot become like Him if you do not first spend time with him in the scriptures.