
Learning to Grieve as a mark of healthy discipleship to Jesus

Step 1: Noticing Emotions (Check engine)

On the dash of every car or check engine lights. They are signals that let us know something is going on under the hood of the vehicle. If we don’t address those issues they can have a profound effect on us getting to our desired destination. It is the same for your life. You must take the time to identify or take notice of areas of unhealth, grief or wounds in your life. Distractions and busyness or ways we try to avoid painful areas in our lives but you must take notice of what areas may be hindering you.

Step 2: Naming Emotions (Diagnostic)

Just because we are aware of a check engine light the next step is to get a proper diagnosis. Awareness is not enough. We must also name the specific pinpoint. Putting gas in a car with a flat tire is ineffective. We must identify and address the source of the pain to properly get healing. Naming means Getting specific about the issues that have wounded us in our life. For example, a father wound because of a divorce in your childhood, or shame from poor decisions made at another time in life. We must get specific in order to address the area that needs careful attention.

Step 3: Accepting

Just like if we were having car trouble, you may be really good at pumping gas but feel inadequate at changing a flat tire. But the tire is the problem, not a lack of gas. In the same way we must move away from denial to accepting the reality about the circumstances and our sales. Denial is a part of grieving process but we must move past our initial feeling to embracing the truth. And accepting often looks like admitting, we were deeply affected by something we have worked hard to minimize.

Step 4: Action (On the road)

Now that we know and see the real problem, we can get the help we need. This is the hardest part. It will cost you, but taking the right action will get you on the road to recovery and healing, being hopeful, engaged and activated for life.

Action may include confession of sin, getting therapy, ending a relationship or changing personal habits that have become coping mechanisms.




Building a connection to God’s story through our daily lives