How to read the bible with passion

For as long as we can remember, the Bible has been a source of comfort, direction, and insight for people all around the world. 

Yet, in our data-driven, analytical age, we often approach the Bible as another book to dissect rather than as a gateway to the eternal where we connect with God. 

Brian Zahnd, a pastor and modern theologian, offers us a perspective shift: 

“To encounter God truly, we must read the Bible sacramentally, delving into its spiritual depths rather than just skimming its surface.”

So, how do we journey into this passionate, sacramental reading?

The Distinction

First, let's grasp what it means to read sacramentally

While analytical reading breaks down the text, seeking to understand every nuance and historical context, sacramental reading seeks a more profound encounter.

It views the Bible not just as words on a page but as a bridge to the eternal, a tool that can transport us into the presence of God.

Setting Aside the Analytical Lens

It's essential to note that analytical reading has its place.

It helps us understand contexts, histories, and the intricacies of the text. But to read sacramentally, we momentarily set this analytical lens aside.

Instead of dissecting verses, we let them wash over us, seep into us, and transport us into a divine conversation.

Entering the Portal

Think of the Bible as a doorway or a portal. 

Each passage and verse is an invitation to step into a different realm. Instead of merely understanding the story of David and Goliath, we immerse ourselves in the emotions, the tensions, and the faith.

We don't just read about the Red Sea parting. We stand beside the Israelites, feeling the wind, hearing the waves, and sensing the awe of a miracle.

Lectio Divina: A Guided Approach

For those wondering how to start this journey, the ancient practice of Lectio Divina offers a roadmap. This method involves:

1. Lectio (Reading): Slowly read a passage, letting it speak to you.

2. Meditatio (Meditation): Reflect on the text, pondering what it means for you personally.

3. Oratio (Prayer): Engage in a conversation with God, letting the text guide your dialogue.

4. Contemplatio (Contemplation): Rest in God's presence, letting the significance of the text sink deep within.

By embracing this approach, we engage with the Bible not as distant readers but as active participants in God's unfolding story.

The Journey to Passionate Reading

Reading the Bible with passion is a journey.

It requires patience, openness, and a willingness to see beyond the ink.

But as we delve deeper, reading sacramentally, we discover a vibrant, living conversation with the Divine.

We encounter a God who speaks, guides, and loves passionately, inviting us into a deeper relationship through His Word. 

So, the next time you open the Bible, pause, breathe, and prepare to step into another world.


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